Thursday, July 23, 2009


I love sunshine. I really do. I'm one of those people whos mood really is influenced by sunshine. ALOT! Well, its amazing outside. Sunny and a little windy. Not too hot and not humid. Perfect.
I started my day off at work with a pleasant suprise. A little farmer from a little country who is one of the most good looking people I've ever met. I had another suprise waiting for me. A GIANT spiderweb in the bad of potatoes which I didn't notice until I fell right into it...that was pleasant. Otherwise this day has been amazing.

I have an unbelievable craving for some McD's sweet tea. Or anyone's sweet tea really. Hopefully I'll find one on my way home from work, otherwise I'll just stop at dairyqueen or something. Really thirsty. Its been a good day at work. Sold lots of corn, as that is our main goal. I'm not in a very talkative nor contemplative mood, so I doubt this will be long.

Valleyfair was amazing yesterday and the park after. Happy birthday to Yosif and Paul. Love them both to no end, amazing cousins. And I'm super excited for this weekend! Mainly Saturday. Someone I really want to see it coming! And I really need to have a nice talk with him. For those who know me at all, they will be able to tell you that I get sick of things quickly. I like change, not for everything but in the overall sense. Also, I'm try to keep my mind and my feelings away from him because I still think he's too good to be true. My heart has never been completly really broken, just cracked. This guy, has the potential to really break it. Break it so hard that it'll never look the same and I really don't want that. Thats why if it seems as if I'm not that in to him, I am, I'm just trying to ignore it for the sake of my heart. I don't know if I can survive this craving for some sweet tea. I have some tea in the car, but thats too hot for right now.

I don't know, really don't have much to say. I mean I do! I just don't really have any desire to express it. Maybe tonight once I get a chance to really relax for the first time this entire week. All I can do is trust God with our relationship and my future, our future togather and I know that it'll work out just right. Meanwhile, I'll pretend I don't care about him that much but be secretly dying of anticipation to see him again.

Either way, its all out of my control. And for some reason, that doesn't worry me a bit. I like this deal : )

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"That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." -Philipians 2:15