Saturday, March 27, 2010

Two Is Better Than One.

Two is better than one is the title of one of my new favorite songs(currently, they change every few weeks). Its such a pretty song though! It reflects my pattern of thinking pretty accurately. This life is amazing lately. I might be saying that because I'm on spring break but looking back on the past few weeks, I'm happy to be alive! It really has been rough. But there have been so many blessings. Girls Bible Study is amazing. A group of friends coming together, encouraging each other, reading Scripture, and drinking tea. Nothing could be better! I miss my Identity Bible study though. Work is really taking my life up. I'm not complaining though. I'm so grateful for my job, and I actually like working there very much!

Trip to Oklahoma coming up after tomorrow. I'm apprehensive about saying anything about it because I have mixed feelings. Mainly, I'll be happy to just take a road trip with my family :) Of course, spending time with my love will be great too! I think I'm finally realizing what people when when they say that life flies by. It literally feels like its flying. So many new things, new choices, ideas, friends, opportunities. Its overwhelming but oh so exciting! Summer is so close I can almost taste it but yet its still so far away.

Right now I feel like I have the whole world to chose from. Opportunities are so unlimited! The opportunities to witness are actually coming at me, all I have to do is take them. I'm sad to admit that I do fear the criticism of others. I've found out that religion is okay as long as you're not too into it. People won't mind if you are "religious" but if its the driving passion of your life, then you're strange. Why is that? What is it about Christianity that strikes so many chords that people don't want to hear? I dislike using the word Christianity because it doesn't mean what it used to. What is it about people who dedicate their lives to Jesus and the way they live and believe what they say that creates opposition from others? Why isn't Buddhism or Islam looked down upon? There is so much evidence about Jesus. About His life and how TRUE He is.

When things happen, you can call it coincidence, or just luck, but there comes a point when you can't call it that! There is a supernatural world, everyone can relate to that at some point in their life. One cannot live life and then disappear. Science proves that matter that exists at some point, especially when it is so complex like humans are, it can never simply disappear. There is always some trace left. Whether its a microscopic trace, or a gaseous trace or 1/1000000000 of an atom, there is always something. The earth is matter, humans are matter...we cannot simply disappear with no trace. There is life after you die and I only wish that someone could come back from the dead and tell the world that life exists after death! Heaven and hell exist! Oh wait, someone already had done that. The rich man and the beggar story. The rich man came back from the dead but did anyone believe him? No. Jesus came back from the dead and yet there are millions of people who refuse to acknowledge the Bible. There are historical facts about the Bible that prove its right. If one part is right, the entire things is right. Scientific evidence, historical evidence, anything you want, its in the Bible.

Life isn't a joke. Its serious and every decision we make will reflect upon our futures. Heaven and hell aren't some made up places used to scare people into submission during the Middle Ages. They're real and my heart cries out to the people who refuse to acknowledge it. Someday, the day will come and the whole world will see that life really was serious. Jesus isn't a joke. He is real and He really does change lives. What I believe in isn't something I need for self confidence or some other excuse that people think we need Him for, its something I need to function. Otherwise, what would be the point in my existence??? I was hoping to make this a short post, but then I went off again. Its just that there's such a fire in my soul for Christ! It comes out because its so important! I have to share it when anyone that I can because they need to hear! Some of the questions I asked on here, I really do want an answer for. Maybe someday someone will answer them because sometime in our life, we really need to stop and think seriously.

As for two being better than one, its just another miracle and just another way that God shows His love to us, but giving us love for others. Not just any kind of love. but His love. Because He is love itself.

1 comment:

  1. We have similar minds. You have better words :)


"That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." -Philipians 2:15