For those who know anything about me, they know that I absolutely love flowers. There's something about their delicate nature that is so fragile and beautiful. So many different colors, shapes, smells, and they are all so astounding in their own way. They've each been created so perfectly. It reminds me a little bit of humans. We're all so beautiful. So different. Each person has been created so perfectly and with such beauty that it really takes my breath away. Like flowers, there are some people that make you less happy than others. Not all flowers are my favorites. But there is no doubt that the flower that I might like a bit less because of its smell or color or design, someone else loves that flower so much. I'm not talking about God as the someone else. I really think that in this world, every single human being is loved by someone. Was loved, will be loved, no matter, but at a given time, every person is loved by another person.
Its so beautiful. Our amazing Creator made thousands of different kinds of flowers to satisfy all the different personalities. But humans compared to flowers are a million times more beautiful. There is no human being that is exactly similar to another one. When someone says, "you're one of a kind", you really are because there never has been, and never will be someone exactly like you. You are the only person to ever exist with your exact genes, personality, features, and life. The only person in the ENTIRE history of the world! I don't know about you, but that makes me a bit awe-struck.
That is just how amazing my Creator is. He is the Artist of all artists. His creations are so unique, so perfectly designed and beautiful. ALL of his creations are. Flowers remind me of that. They're so different. Each has been created with such precision to serve specific purposes. If you are the only human being to ever exist with you specific personalities that means that there is something that only you can do! God gave you a purpose that only you can fulfill because only you have been given those specific traits. Kinda makes you try to live for Jesus a little more.
The warm setting sun, bright evening chirping of birds, the delicate sweet smell of the myriad of roses, daisies, honeysuckle and so many other flowers all soothes the soul. The faded dark brown of the porch, the cheerful yellow of the porch swing, and the evening sounds of cars driving home, people walking and talking, all of this is so daily and so familiar. But what really ties all of these parts together is this inner peace. Only Jesus can give this peace where you can just sit outside calmly and thank Him for sending you moments like these where you can just enjoy His wonderful creation. Our God truly is the one and only. Only Jesus can give you the peace, the love that overcomes everything. Its so beautiful and these summer flowers only serve to remind me of God's amazing love.
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"That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." -Philipians 2:15
cute, Zena! Love the way you wrote this <3 :))