What a beautiful title to this post and oh my how accurate it is! Thats the bad side of being this enthusiastic, emotional person...everything tends to become personal and amazing. So the wedding was absolutely spectacular! Maybe not the biggest or most expensive or even best organized wedding, but the people we met there...KLAS : ) And it was amazing to hang out with Karina. I really cant figure out what, but there was something extra special going on. I really cant say what though, just have no idea. But this weekend was amazing in some kind of extra special way.
And not because of the handsome stranger either.
Speaking of handsome strangers...oh my. I dont even know what to say. I should be used to this stranger business by now but for some reason I'm really excited over it. Maybe because I havent really reacted to any guy like this for a while. But seriously...he was something to react over. But we'll just give it a few weeks to a month and see whether I forget about him or not. And usually, I do. Either way...whatever happens, happens.
As for this weekend...oh my goodness. The teen conference starts on friday! I'm very very excited to see everyone from out of state and all the churches whom I never see. Expecially my Annichka! And the most awsome part of it is that I dont have to be part of the conference. Which is great cuz we're having a carwash for missions to Russia on saturday. Cant wait : ) And its gonna be interesting to watch the conference and the kids from a more distant perspective.
It was always pretty touching to see how strongly the kids react to the preachers but also sad to see how low some of them have slipped. I mean, by the age of 13, they've done more things than I have(in a bad sense). But all we can do is pray for them. I was watching an Amish documentary type thing today and some of the things they say about faith and heaven makes sense and sounds like something I believe, but then if you listen more closely...they also say things that either exclude inportant parts of Bible verses or they slightly tweak a Biblical concept to mean a slightly different thing. Thats very dangerous. When it sounds just about right, but yet there's something a little off. Well, im not in a really philosophical mood tonight..so we'll leave it alone.
Continuing on the topic of handsome strangers...where is that one beautiful person Jamie and Elizabeth noticed at lunch? Who is he? Where is he from? Did he just come here, or where has he been hiding all this time? Why does no one know who he is? Although he seems like he's a senior. And seems like he would play hockey/football/something of the sort. So he doesnt matter.Although it brings some fun into lunches.
These past few days have just been the best days of my life. Well, maybe not, but they've been absolutly GREAT! Probably because of the sunshine. And my creation of a profile at odnokassniki.ru. Yay for Russian facebook : ) its actually really interesting although it completly wipes away all potential of being a stalker.
So whirlwind of emotions is right. I'm anxious and worried about all these camps for summer and wether they'll accept me or not; I'm really excited for the conference and weddings and just happenings; I'm tired from all these different events; I'm curious to see where this friendship with the handsome stranger of this weekend will go; I'm VERY scared as to how my grades will turn out; And overall I'm just happy and satisfied with life.
I hope all my friends enjoyed the pictures I got of my stranger on my phone. A little stalkerish? Yes. But worth it! Unless he just stops talking to me...that would be pretty crushing...until next weekend : ) Kidding. But seriously, summer brings so many different things with it! Just busy busy busy. And its getting a little out of control! Good thing I have the perfect person to hand it all over to, the One who always knows what He's doing and will always make it work out right.
Lastly, Smile :) People will wonder what you're up to.
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"That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." -Philipians 2:15
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